Making Money Online with Blogs

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Making Money Online with Blogs

by Norma Holt
Work at Home Ideas for You

Money that comes without an expenditure for advertising is sheer profit and that's where I place blogs. Hardly a day goes by that I don't add a blog to my site and they serve 2 purposes. The first is to inform my visitors of ways in which they can utilise the things on my site, such as the affiliate programs, tools, books and opportunities to make money and the second is to advertise my affiliated products to a world-wide audience.

For those of us now attuned to this daily ritual it has other advantages. If you enjoy sharing knowledge and experise with others then this is the way to do it. Many people write e-books and ezines to give away in the hope of attracting the same kind of interest but the three things go hand iun hand.

If you are a dedicated business person you spend hours every day with your weblog. It's become a labor of love. Wouldn't it be nice to find a way to earn some extra money with your weblog?

There are ways of making money online with blogs. The method you've probably seen on most blogs is to host ads, such as with Google Adsense. You let Google put their ads on your site and get paid when people click on the ads. These get mixed reviews. Some say they make a lot this way, but many people don't report much income. Since they are free to ad to your site, it doesn't hurt to try.

Affiliate programs work on blogs as well as they work on websites. Affiliate with companies that sell products related to your site, such as web building sites do to anything related to Internet Marketing. I find that Site Sell and ixWebhosting are particularly good for my visitors. When people click on the link in your blog and purchase a product, you profit. Some Companies allow you to also profit when your affiliates send their referrals as well. This is another way of making money online with blogs that doesn't cost you anything. If you are passionate about a product and write about it, this can work well.

If you have a website, blog about some aspect of it and provide a link. Your weblog can effectively sell the product, and all the customer has to do is click to your site and order it. For instance I have just added a shop to my site in which I offer products that web masters need and will hopefully buy.

You will never make money with your blog unless people can find it. Search engines seem to prefer blogs because they tend to be content rich. It helps to stick to one topic so try to wander all over the place. If your blog serves a niche market, it will have less competition.

Making money online with blogs is possible. Consider your blog as another avenue for making money online with little or no cost. Write about what you love, market your blog, and see if the money will follow.
